The client was at a loose end on what to do with their North-facing guest room below. It had become more of a storage and utility area than a relaxing space to sleep. This suggestion transformed the room with a warm and chic scheme, that retained enough storage space to ensure all the client's needs were met:
On the initial consultation, Handrawn sketch layouts were created to give the client a quick idea of suggested changes. This is because it is easier to see what someone is talking about whilst meeting them, than explain it verbally - which can lead to misinterpretation.
A product source list was used to provide the client with a cost estimate:
This final image demonstaes the warm atmosphere created from a simple furniture change and recolouring the walls. The client was so happy with it, they wanted to change this guest room to their main bedroom:

Bedroom Post-Renovation, 2021

There are times when clients struggle to envision suggested alterations through mood boards alone, and photoshopped images are a vital tool, enabling the client whether or not to make a dramatic change to their living spaces. This saves both time and resources in both residental and commercial renovation.
Below are some images requested by clients which played a part in their home-making journeys.
This images helped the client to see that patterned wallpaper would have been an overwhelming feature in this unusually shaped bathroom; that an unusual 3/4 wall paint job would instead enphasise the room's high ceiling whilst softening the room to appear less angular.
Ultimately, they help to demonstrate that even minor changes in living spaces can alter spatial perception.
The scheme below was advised in order to make this north-facing bathroom appear less cold on a budget, by incorporating bronze accessories and natural materials:
Interior design doesn't need to always criticise the client's taste in decoration - a room can be changed dramatically through only minor changes.  As the client wanted to retain the existing fixtures, this suggestion centred on adding focal points to the existing theme, to rejuvinate the tired bedroom decor:
Lastly, it is obvious in much of my work that I advise to retain as much of the client's existing furniture as possible. This is because as a designer, I try to premote retrofit and renovate ideology as much as possible.
There is so much waste in the world, and this is one way we can all do our part to make nicer spaces, that cost less in global resources and are kinder to the environment.

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